Next Generation
Of Education

AI-powered learning, full of adventures. Watch your child learn like never before!

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Maths activities and games for children and pupils

Evolear makes learning fun and easy! We offer individual math learning content in a fun and motivating way. The math content is created with scientifically proven methods by the top educators for schools and homes.

Checkbox Unlimited math activities
Checkbox Adapting for personal education
Checkbox Activities based on educational plans
Checkbox An evaluation tool to follow up
Checkbox An effective way of learning
Checkbox Suitable for extra help

Fun, smart, and always evolving for your child's education!

Engaging Games

Children dive into fun, educational games, turning playtime into meaningful learning moments.

AI-Driven Progress

As they play, Evolear's AI captures their progress, crafting new questions perfectly matched to their abilities.

Informative Reports

Stay updated! You'll receive detailed insights into your child's growth, making it easy to track and support their journey.

Try Evolear today for free.

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Unlimited challenges

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